We have had a couple of afternoons of really high wind and heavy rain. This puts lots of worms on the sidewalks or beside the curb. When
Mrs. Insanity Janet and I go for a walk, we find a twig and put the fat, healthy looking worms back on the soil. How does she know what a healthy worm looks like? We can't do them all or a walk would take all day.
This guy was easy to transport due to the crack in the sidewalk. I covet the twigs as I would like to chew them up. |
While Phil was enjoying his vacation in Lethbridge, Janet took us to Fireman's Park in the afternoon. Every day, I, Pashy race over to the batting cage. This went on for several days until she finally figured out what I wanted.
I want that ball! Janet said she would get it for me, but the batting cage was locked. |
I am using every ounce of my mental powers to will the ball free! Bummer! Not happening! |
Seamstress Janet has moved on from Tag Blankets. She whipped up a sun hat for Mr. Baby.
It's reversible. This is the best side. Seamstress Janet made more than one misstep on this project. The end result was retrieving a previously cut piece of fabric from the kitchen trash and using three different fabrics on the other side that we refer to as a major you know what up element of design! |
Next on the agenda: quilting. Janet's friend Karen is a very generous person and has been helping Janet with the ropes. Check out Karen's fabulous sewing machine and fancy pants iron.
Janet covets this sewing machine, but knows she needs many, many more hours of sewing under her belt before moving on from the good ole' Janome 4000. |
This super cool iron elevates itself off the ironing board when you place it down. |
Janet went to Satin Moon Quilt Shop and purchased a kit to make a table runner. The kit is labelled beginner and comes with not very good instructions and the material needed to make the table runner. Karen showed Janet how to cut the fabric in strips with a rotary cutter. Karen's final words before Janet left to go home and sew the first section was....."be really sure to make certain that your seam is only 1/4 inch". No problem, Janet says. Wrong!
Three times over! Janet was about ready to throw in the towel, but Karen said no! You must persevere! |
While I couldn't get the ball out of the batting cage, I did find this one at the park and turned it into a shadow of it's former self in no time flat.
Take that, ball! We also found a small child's small doll at Willows Beach which I really wanted. Janet said no, and placed it on the light standard. |
I'm workin' it like crazy, but still no takers.
Finally, here is (yet) another fabulous photo of me. Nice bum, right? We had just come back from the rainy walk and I was trying to dry my head off. Maybe I have kind of hogged the blog lately and should let the other Guys have a turn. Or, at the very least, I could post a couple photos of them. I'll think about it. Janet is now addicted to "House Of Cards", so I know she knows a thing or two about manipulation that she can give me a hand with.
The kind of thing Frank (what's with Janet and characters named Frank?) on "House of Cards" would do is convince the Guys it was in their best interest to NOT have their photos on the blog! |
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