If only we could learn to go in a crate, we could (maybe) move to Hawaii. It would be too much fun! It might be too late for Noodles and Rockers because they are old, but me, Pashy, is only 8 years old! My age recently came to light. Janet and Phil told everyone I was six or seven, but then they checked my health certificate and it turns out I turned eight in December. Still, I might be able to wrap my head around this crate business if I could move to Hawaii.
Check out these locals:
They are Coon Hounds that have GPS trackers around their collars and their owner has a radio system. He says they can take off at a moments notice and run forever, so he needs the tracking system. They love the water! Just like I would! |
Could I give this a go? Maybe not as I slam on the brakes so hard on dry ground it's almost impossible for Janet to move me. |
And how about this local that was hoping to be invited inside for some pupus?
Come on guys, open up the screen! |
In the really bad news department, Yoyo decided to give stand up paddle boarding a run. Not a good scene! It looks so easy, she says it's not fair!
Just mastering the "on the knees" version! |
Shortly after this photo, Janet stood upright and then crashed into the ocean! She says she is going to try again before they come home. |
Janet kept encouraging
Mr. Smartypants Windsurfer to give it a whirl and he kept saying "oh no, you don't want me to try", indicating his skill level was so high it would reduce Janet to tears. What a horses butt crack! He decided to show off and start at the shoreline, where he had problems and was also pretty wobbly.
Toss the board in at the shoreline and watch it go nowhere!
Meg mastered it pretty quickly.
Since they arrived, Mr. Baby has learned to pull himself up to stand and crawl up a short set of stairs. Sadly, Mr. Baby's sense of balance if better than YoYo's!
Janet isn't sure if her Kindle is drool proof, but she might want to look into it. |
Mr. Baby had a slight accident at the pool today but the good news is, he now has some street cred! Check out his cheek!
Sadly, this is how their day ended.
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