Monday, November 14, 2016

Eve of Hallows

Every year, assuming there is enough rain to prevent a fire hazard (which is to say, every year!) there is a huge bonfire at Fireman's Fireperson's Park.  Back in the day, when Janet and Phil's children were small they would go to the Bonfire, eat hotdogs and listen to live accordion music (it's true!).

Bonfire 101:  Start with sand on the grass and stack it high with pallets.

Phil purchased a huge amount of Halloween candy in the USA, so they were delighted that at least 83 little bodies came by!  Our super neighbours were all dressed up and even Bean decided she had to be in on the action!
Whilst Bean couldn't express her true feelings, she might have been a reluctant participant!

Janet made enough Fried Noodles to feed a small army, but it turned out OK in the end because Phil was going to Lethbridge, so took the leftovers with him.
What happens when Phil goes to Lethbridge?  Janet is despondent and lonely, but it speaks to the strength of her personality that she turns a sad situation in to a positive and has the time of her life!  Yes!  A staycation!  Livin' the dream!  Whoops...too much enthusiasm?  A huge highlight, in Janet's eyes is the dishwasher will remain fingerprint free for the duration of his absence.  We won't even touch on the frig, which Phil insists is a "poor design".  This is how little Janet has going on in her "life"!

As will the microwave.
A tale of two trees.  The first one started out as a $19.99 Banana Tree from Costco that Jeremy planted in front of his house 4 or 5 years ago.  It is now bordering on turning into a plantation and actually had some small bananas on it.
This poor guy was along Beach Drive and was unfortunately uprooted.
It's open!
New in Victoria and does the unimaginable....makes Sobeys look cheap!
This photo doesn't have any bearing on anything current, but Janet loves it.
Sweet little Watty Man when he was just a pup.
Good night!
By golly, is that Janet's finger on the top right hand corner of the photo??

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't have the nickname "Whole Paycheque" for nothing!
