The peeps wound up their trip and are now so broke after 4 days in Iceland, they may take all meals at Janet's volunteer job!
The end result of their last week in the U.K. 70 miles walking! Janet was delighted, but her feet were dead! Now she has fancy pants "hiking" boots. She likes to put quotation marks around hiking because all of Janet's hiking criteria cannot involve cliffs, heights, sheer drop offs or anything scary. "Rambling" through the British countryside is perfect - now that she can walk as one with the cows!
After cycling in Spain, next up is a walking tour in the Scottish Lowlands. Walk, eat at a pub, walk some more, sleep at a pub. Repeat for 7 days! |
Some last shots of beautiful Iceland. Good thing the views are free!
Part of the famed Golden Circle. |
So much of the lava is covered with moss. |
This geyser erupts about every 8-10 minutes. |
Who wouldn't want to tour Iceland in this bad ass bus?
Their tours are super expensive. However, Janet says now that she has "hiking" boots, perhaps she could be a participant. |
We had to pack up and leave PDX to head home. Watty Man and I are pretty good buds now. Janet couldn't decide if she should leave me there or toss Watty Man in the back of our car and take him home.
He did seem pretty interested in helping with the packing up.
Can I come with you?
Please, Phil? I promise to be a good boy! |
Janet had to say no because she knew Bronwyn would be super sad if Watson had gone to Canada. OK, bye bye little buddy!
Bye, Janet. Bye, Phil. Bye, Pashy. |
I am a pretty good doggie, so I get to go on the people deck on the Coho Ferry. I really like to move out from under the table and into the aisle so that people are forced to stop and say hello to me.
And, I like to whip out the needy card.
Are we almost home, Janet? I'm exhausted from our hotel stay in Port Angeles - much against Janet's better judgement, Phil lets me run loose along the waterfront in the evening. |
Back to the real world - they are making about 600 pieces of Naan Bread at Janet's volunteer job.
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