Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We Doggies Think Phil is Nuts!

Whenever Janet points out something is malfunctioning, Phil almost always chooses not to believe her.  The other day, Janet mentions to Phil that the dishwasher is making a funny noise.  Not possible, he says!
This is our dishwasher when it was making a funny noise.  Sometimes Noodles and I like to pre-rinse the dishes before Janet starts the dishwasher.  Don't worry...we aren't allowed to go near the clean dishes!
Fast forward to two days later:
The dishwasher actually broke and now Janet has to hand wash all the dishes.  If that wasn't bad enough, we heard Phil tell her that while he was watching TV, he timed Janet washing the dishes and that as it took only 12 1/2 minutes, he didn't get why it was such a big deal.  Janet nearly had a meltdown!  We felt it best to vacate the kitchen.

In an effort to redeem himself, Phil actually pitched in.  Please note that most of the dishes are already done.
What if Janet has to save up herself to buy a new dishwasher?  She doesn't get paid at her work.  We are worried! 

She did have a bit of a bright spot yesterday, as she made another attempt at bread.  This was a no knead Cheddar Bread that actually worked out!  They had it with lasagna.  Janet says until the dishwasher is fixed or they get a new one, she is only making one dish meals.....like Kraft Dinner or Instant Ramen!  They don't actually eat those things in our house, so this could be interesting.