Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's Minnie and I Am So Back!

Did you guys forget about me?  It's me...Minnie, Pashminder, MinPin, Minshuku, Pashy or just plain Emma!  Call me what  you like, but please be sure to call me!  I love people!

They came to visit me!  I was so excited and happy to see Rockers and Noodles.  Of course, Rockers wants to steal the limelight, but I insisted that the blog belongs to all of us and that I can have a turn.  Bronwyn says I can go to Camp Canada soon and that will be so cool...the beach, the sand...the groomer?!?

It's been pretty sad and lonely around our house lately, so it was super fun when they arrived.  One problem - I haven't seen my Camp Canada cousins for almost a year and it was a bit shocking to see how much they have slowed down and how little they want to play with me.  I gave my best moves and I think over time, I can break them down into some tussles.

We spent our time in Hood River and here is how we rock it out.  I'm going to show my cuz how to chill out in proper fashion.

Here I am.....Pashminder.
Noodles likes to be inside and outside at the same time.
Please don't tell anyone...Rockers is afraid to go down the stairs to the second level where there is another bedroom, bathroom and laundry and where Janet and Phil are sleeping.  The stairs are carpeted!  Get over yourself, Mr. Big Baby!
Bronwyn says...."come on Rockers, you can do it!"
Phil feels he needs to relax on his pre-vacation before his actual vacation.
After this relaxation session, he goes for another relaxation session in the hot tub.
The only schmucks doing any work around here are Bronwyn, who is actually going to work and Janet who is cooking all the meals!   Oh, Oh...forgot about this incredibly rare photo op:
Never, never seen before!

In between making meals, Janet was able to work on her weight lifting program.  She was silly and thought a stein was the equivalent to a pint.  Wrong!
We watched this Columbia River paddleboat cruise go by.  Janet and Phil checked it out and without any discounts it was about $3700/person/week!  Sheesh...that's alot of dog cookies!
The boat is actually pretty large, but the house is so high up on a cliff that windsurfers look like tiny little pins.
There is lots of whispering and hiding of luggage, so the guys must know for sure they are staying here with me for a bit.  Rockers says, OK...we can hang in the bachelor pad!  Yay guys; we are going to have a blast!
Janet cleaned the screen of Mikey's iPad so he and Rockers can chillax together.

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