Monday, November 18, 2013

Friends Come Over For Breakfast!

These two cuties went into the backyard next door and then into Janet's so called "Victory Garden" for some breakfast.

Janet is really sad because Mr. Deer has a bad limp on one of his front legs.
Finally, someone who enjoys Janet's veggie patch and doesn't think it's pathetic.  We doggies feel sorry for Mrs. Jolly Green Giant whenever she shows someone her veggie garden.  Everyone does their best to cover up their faces of pity.   This year, she couldn't even get zucchini to grow, which is a new low.  No wonder she doesn't mind that the deer are enjoying it.
Used to be cauliflower, maybe!
While our new friends were munching their way through breakfast, Noodles was on high deer alert.
Guess what else happened?  Janet made chicken stock that actually turned out.  Then she turned it into Chicken Vegetable Soup with Barley.  She could hardly contain herself, she was so excited.
Janet is still plowing her way through her new TV show "Shameless".  She thinks it's hilarious.  Noodles also really enjoys it.
I found the nylabone this morning and decided to tuck it under my chin while I was sleeping.  I didn't want Noodles to find it.  I was a bad doggie and licked the bed.  Janet always tells me not to, but the rebel in me does it when she isn't in the same room.

I also get into trouble for licking the floor.  If Janet hasn't vacuumed for a couple of days, it's kind of like having a snack.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had better luck with your chicken broth! I like Noodles using the "silent alarm" technique with the deer.
