Monday, March 31, 2014

A Message From The Other Side

It's me....Rockers!  I made the long, final journey to Puppy Dog Heaven.  Not in any way do I want to encourage anyone to join me anytime soon,  but I have to say it's pretty fabulous!  I feel like this is what Hawaii would be like....if for instance we had ever been invited on a trip!  Sunny all the time, long sandy beaches (and no one cares if you drag sand into the house; take note Janet!), treats all day long and tons of doggy "sectionals" to sit on.

I did my best to hide how sick I was and held on like the trooper I am until I couldn't go any longer.  I'm sorry everyone is so sad.  I could hear Phil talking on the phone when we were at the clinic and I know it almost broke him apart to call Janet and Bronwyn and tell them I wasn't coming home.

I have already run into some old pals....Drucie from across the street, Lola and Bronx (they were better pals with Noodles when she was doggie in exile, but I still like them) Kuro and Licorice (previous Illingworth dogs) and good old Rubby Dubs!  We frolic and frolic some more.

Mike and Bronwyn - thanks for adopting us and bringing us to Victoria.  Phil - thanks for all the evening walks and making our delicious meals.  Noodles - thanks for being the best sister ever.  Pashy - thanks for being the best cousin ever.  Zambo - thanks for being the world's most fearsome kitty!  Everyone else in our family - you were the most loving family a doggie could ever hope for.  Janet - you may not believe this right now, but someday soon you will stop crying every time you think about me or are reminded of me.  Phil said you were thinking about dumping our blog because it wouldn't be the same without me....please keep truckin' on!

Noodles and I when we first arrived in Victoria.
Jeremy's friend and former neighbour,  Sharon,  reads Janet's blog.  She is such an incredibly kind and generous person.  She sent Janet a card and made a donation to the SPCA in my memory.  Sharon, you are one of a kind!
My comrades in arms...kind of mourning my absence when they aren't looking for cookies!
It was truly a slice, guys!
Love ya'!

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