Monday, May 26, 2014

Noodles Had A Dream

Lazy, lazy, Janet!  Our blog post is long overdue and she was going to skip today as she says our lives are so boring it's beyond belief.  I, Pashyminders, disagree! Here is what we did in the last few days.

We were going to walk over to Cob's Bakery in the Village to get some buns for lunch.  It was our plan to go through Fireman's Park and up to the Ave.  Phil let Noodles off her leash at the top of the street and carefree, easygoing Janet kept me on mine.

When we get to the bottom, we spot a bunny.  Of course, only Noodles can go after the bunny as she is free and unencumbered.   Kind of.  She gave it her rickety, creaky best, but truth be known, even the bunny didn't appear to be concerned and most certainly was not jogging at top bunny speed.  Here she is after the chase:
Noodles had a lot of "rest time" for the rest of the day.
Turns out we couldn't go through the park as some little kiddies were playing baseball.  See the cute little kids with the new best friends!  I know for a fact I will find some balls tommorrow.
Peter stopped by, which is always lots of fun as he is a major sucker for cookies.  They sure don't hand out the cookies like this in Camp U.S.A.!
We might be on our fourth or fifth cookie!
I had a little snooze today...Janet is such a sucker for what she deems to be cute sleeping poses.  She thinks she is crafty and clever, but is so transparent even to doggies!

Bonus...she moved Rocker's sectional up to our "artist's studio".  Is she insane!!  It's an attic that was long overdue in the cleaning up department.  Janet says she is going to rent a dumpster and go after the basement in a major way....perhaps when Phil is away for  a couple of days so he can't micromanage the situation.
I can view Janet and the stairs from this position.  Unfortunately, Noodles won't come up anymore.
Karen and Ken stopped by on Janet's birthday to give her some flowers.  After a few days (despite the elusive penny being in the vase), the tulips drooped.  Phil threw around his botanical knowledge and wanted to know why the roses weren't standing up.  Ouch!  Moron!

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