Monday, October 12, 2015

I Think Ball Season Is Over

Can you believe it?  I think I have found the last of the baseballs.  I spotted this one in the bushes right away.
Unfortunately, I am a shorty ass doggie and couldn't reach it.  Plus, did I mention I am shoving my face into very prickly holly?  Janet got it out for me.
This makes a total of 55 balls since April!  Janet marks it on the calendar every time I find one.
Don't you just love how cute I am?
Janet and Phil go to Sun Wah for Chinese food often.  For once, they had something different:
OK...the dry ribs weren't different but the Crab and the Tomato Fried Rice were.
Mr. Popular had dinner out, two nights in a row.  That left Mrs. Unpopular at home with us.  She made some Broccoli Cheddar Soup.
She didn't buy this squash, but look at how beautiful it is!
It's really pretty now along Bowker Creek.  This is the portion that is not being re-done.
Phil had some clients come from Toronto and they brought him this fancy baby size chest of drawers filled with chocolates.  Janet had two.  A couple of days later, the box was filled with the wrappers only.
Look!  More doggies with jobs.   These doggies were "pup stars" as they were filming a movie outside Janet's volunteer job.
No, you are correct.  She was unable to get a single photo where the dogs were facing her.
A whole semi-truck filled with toys for the stars!
I whined and complained to Janet about wanting to be an important doggie with a job, so she let me help out with the gardening.  She complains on a regular basis about how much she hates gardening.  Frankly, I don't get it.  This isn't too bad of a gig.
See that itsy bitsy person in the middle on the stage below?  That's Ringo Starr.  Janet says it's shocking how poor of a seat $100 each person buys. And, those would be tickets purchased the minute they went on sale!
Despite the poor seats and Janet wanting to slap silly the woman sitting in front of her, they said the concert was great.  Started at 8PM sharp and they were on the stage for just over two hours without a break.
We think summer might be over.
It rained so hard, so fast,  the water was running down the street.
I'm pooped, so think I will take a break.  Noodles is getting really old now, so I have to do most of the heavy lifting.
This blogging business is exhausting.

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