Monday, December 28, 2015

It's Christmas!

Only Janet could bitch her fool head off about how much work the last few Christmases have been to be depressed when it drops to a party of four!  It was really quiet....way, way too quiet.  She also says that making Christmas dinner for four may as well be eight as the work load is not at all diminished.
Prime rib, Emeril's Twice Baked Potatoes (with bacon!) and Brussel Sprouts that were sauteed with onions and.....bacon!  It was kind of a bacon themed holiday gathering! 
Bronwyn made the Brussel Sprouts and her bacon to sprouts ratio may be higher than most people!
Sticky Toffee Pudding for dessert!
Real English Clotted Cream!  Yum!  Phil takes all credit for Janet knowing how to make this pudding.  Basically, he takes all credit for anything Janet knows how to make, short of toast!  Good to know she can hold onto this tiny "crumb" of pride!
Phil helped out!  He actually did!

 Janet bought a sign from Oak Bay Heritage Foundation for our house.  It was Phil's Christmas gift.  The sign cost $125 and is made of heavy metal.  Janet thinks the price is a major rip off as she was convinced she would win one at the Summer Night Market on Oak Bay Ave.
Cool the way the stitching on the bed top looks like a hanger for the plaque!

For what I'm pretty sure is the first time ever, I got to go on the people's bed.  I'm a major shorty bum, so I had to be lifted up.  And, lifted off lest I hurt myself.  Look how super happy I am!

Mikey loves to lavish attention on us doggies.

Janet says "full disclosure...Bronwyn took this out of focus photo!"

We had our traditional Christmas Calendar Cluster F**K.  All members of our family so enjoy this annual festive activity!  The really clever ones get the Hell out of Dodge and find an alternative gig.
Mike and Bronwyn packed up and left.  Mikey is doing his best to make Phil look really tall.
Can't imagine what possessed Noodles to play with a ball as she is not so slowly going crazy.  I'm kind of thinking she has forgotten she's not a puppy anymore.
Even if Noodle's face isn't in focus, her bum is!
Phil asked Janet if he could take some baking down to Jack and Gwen's house.  She packed up a nice plate.
Phil left it on the front step for them.  Guess what - the crows ate it all!  Every last piece!
This is all that was left!  Dumbass!
Just like that!  It's all over!  Remembrances of another Christmas past!

Here I am, upstairs with Janet.  No wonders Rockers so loved his sectional!

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