Saturday, April 22, 2017

Gettin' 'er done, Maui Style!

Shermie Wormie and myself are seriously missing Janet.  Not really, but it sounds good, right?  Phil is a never ending Wonderland of Doggie Free Time with no consequences!

This is how it rolls on Maui.

Need to secure a parking spot for a family member - no problem!  Throw a couple of chairs down and too e**ing bad for some random chump that may also wish to enjoy the beach park.

Buffing one's driveway:
Sidewalk repairs that take so long a path is worn into the grass:
Tree trimming:

Small children feel compelled to take their own coasters to a restaurant:

Small children, forced into servitude.

Small child being allowed a one and a half minute break:
Huli Huli Chicken, cooked street side:
It feels like every extended family on Maui goes to the beach with a huge spread of food and a bouncy castle.  Janet wants to be one of these families!
They caught a teeny tiny baby gecko inside their condo and set him to freedom out of doors.
The little baby is on the left hand side.  You can barely see him.
A delicious lunch out

Tubby time rolls home!
We want to be this pup.  Not only is he super cute, he gets to live on Maui!
Last lunch!  They are sad!

Poke tacos with Avocado cream.  Delicious!

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