Phil took us to Fireman's Park two nights ago, which is at the end of our block and let us off leash. While he was busy looking for me, Noodles dashed into the Girl Guide Meeting. We didn't know where she was until we could hear some people laughing...sure enough, Noodles invited herself to the meeting. While the Girl Guides enjoyed her company, the leaders may not have as they closed the door immediately after Phil collected her. Bad, bad Noodles. Maybe she wanted to suggest they go back to the Girl Guide Cookie recipe of yesteryear...way better than the mint jobbies they do now.
This is where Briana and Bronwyn went to Brownies. Janet says they loved Brownies and loved their Brown Owl. Janet also says that the beauty of our house (they have been here for 28 years and we have been here for 10 years, so we are relative newcomers ) is that all our kids could walk anywhere they needed to go. That also seems kind of yesteryear as it appears kids don't walk themselves too much any more. They need a doggie! | |
I am exhausted from the stress of Noodles misbehaving. As you can see, she is still in good form.
What the...never mind! I keep forgetting we doggies are not allowed to use bad language. Now what is going on? This looks like a
dessert in the making. Janet never makes dessert for herself and Phil,
so this can only mean one thing...we are having company!
is our favourite thing!
The sandwich style GG cookies are still out - just bought a few boxes yesterday!