It was really nice outside on Sunday, so Phil and Janet took us for a big walk. I'm patiently waiting on the front step while they put their runners and coats on. No more Uplands, so we decided to walk around Cattle Point.
I'm all set to go....where is my brother? |
Oh no! Not this again! The door isn't open all the way so he doesn't want to walk through. I think he's losing his marbles. Lately, he's afraid to pass not just tiny dogs, but all dogs on our walks. He still really wants to be Ring Pup, so I think Janet should up his meds! |
While we were out enjoying our walk,we came across a large doggie who appeared to have taken it upon himself to go for a stroll.....alone! Janet tried really hard to catch up to him so she could read his collar and call his people. She was unable to keep pace with him. Shocking! Has anyone ever seen Janet run? Didn't think so! He looked like he had been swimming and in general having a really good time, so I hope his people aren't too angry with him when they find him.
After our walk, Janet set upon shoveling and spreading the soil and compost that she had purchased. Phil, from his usual spot, micro-managed Janet on the finer techniques.
Just kidding....he actually helped a lot. |
Meg and Derek are getting married in our backyard in July. Wedding Garden Part 1 was cleaning out the flower beds and removing most of the daisies. Wedding Garden Part 2 consisted of spreading the soil and the compost.
See how nice and rich the soil also is a tad on the pungent side!
Rockers still isn't feeling any better today. He is following Phil everywhere, even though we have nothing on our agenda yet. Poor Buddy. When Phil stops petting him, he puts his nose under Phils' hand and gives it a push to let him know he wants more attention.
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