Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Weekend Flew By!

Wow....it felt like Meg and Derek just arrived and now they have gone home already.  Too bad!  It was excellent having them visit.

They went to the Pub for lunch on Sunday and had Japanese Curry for dinner.  Before Meg came, she told Janet she was going to bring a "craft" for them to do.  Janet was worried because her crafting skills are right up there with her design skills and her creativity..... non existent!  As a result, Janet did the cooking and Meg did the crafting.  We wonder if Meg knows how lucky she was that Janet didn't help.
We think Meg looks so proficient with a paper cutter that perhaps she should have become a surgeon instead of family doctor.
After toiling for two days, she had her table centre pieces finished and was very proud.
It was Noodles plan to "hide" Throckmorton in her toy basket to knock him out of the competition for carrying the ring down the aisle.  Wouldn't you know it - Meg left him at home.  So, Noodles cozied up to Meg while she was on the phone in an effort to glean some info about the situation.  She learned all kinds of things - food, dress, shoes, chairs, hair, makeup and way, way more than we've got time to mention.  Nothing on the ring business, sadly!
Looks to me like she is sleeping, not eavesdropping!

After they left and after dinner, Phil took us down to Fireman's Park and let us off leash.  We were very naughty and chased a cat that we managed to catch up to.  Noodles left unscathed, but I got swiped in the face twice and was bleeding when Phil brought us home.  Janet was in such a tizzy she forgot to get the photographic evidence.  Good thing she and that pesky little camera of hers aren't news reporters!  She started out being really worried about me, but then turned her concern to the kitty.  Kitty, shmitty - apparently she can look after herself!  At least two neighbours have told Phil they could hear him yelling at us.
I'm still recovering from the trauma.  I'm pretty sure I won't do that again.

1 comment:

  1. looks like you guys had a really good weekend, wish I was up there too!
