Thursday, September 29, 2016

I Knew Something Was Up!

Sure enough...all the tell tale signs.  Suitcases by the door, adorned with doggie beds and accessorized with water bowls.  We are going somewhere!

Turns out it's not my Pashy Minders dream come true - I am being abandoned  lovingly cared for in PDX by Mr. Watty Man and his peeps.  I "bark" peeps as it appears Watty Man, with the exception of dishing up the groceries,  pretty much runs the show.  Call me crazy, I could be wrong!

Please, Phil...can't we think this over!  

Oddly enough, Watty Man and his first servant are OK with it.
I did my best to hold Watty Man off on being pals, but had to cave.  His peeps sent photos of us tussling, so I had to say "Uncle."

Say for instance I had been allowed to go to PDX to go on an aircraft, this is how it would have unfolded for me! After a luxurious meal and some refreshing beverages, I could check out the Pet Lounge. 
And, I could have gone potty here!
Not seeing any wine or beer, however!
They took Icelandair to the U.K. and are having a stopover on the return.  The flight was fine and the service just as Janet has always envisioned Nordic people to be - brief, crisp and on the job.
They landed in Reykjavik at about 6:30AM.  Beautiful sky with out a tree in sight!  And, freezing ass cold in September.
At last, they arrive in the U.K.  Look at all that luscious greenery.
Their first cottage is lovely - quite new and in the country side not far from anything.  The one downside is lack of kitchen lights.  Janet is glad they are leaving tomorrow as she is slowing going blinder.

Yesterday, at Phil's behest they went to Dover Castle and then to walk along the White Cliffs of Dover.  Janet was in a major fit by the time they finished as the Castle was as boring as could be and walking two miles each way on a single track with drop off cliff at hand to get to some stupid fucking lighthouse (like we don't have lighthouses in Victoria!?! - that we have never been too?) that was closed upon arrival.

Some scenes are improved with personal viewing.  This is not one of them.  The stupid effing White Cliffs of Dover are as easily admired from a photograph.
Janet was so pissed that Phil was smart enough to stay quite a bit inland!

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