Saturday, December 3, 2016

Janet Goes To Visit Watson!

Watty Man was so happy to see Janet!  He does a real tight sit and little tap dance when you come into the house.  He has the same cute smile he had as a puppy.
This is how it rolls in the dinner department when Janet is left to her own devices:

U.S. Thanksgiving - fried chicken and potato nuggets from Safeway.  That is correct, folks, Safeway!  Safeway the grocery store, not some local boutique restaurant with the same name.
Next night up - popcorn!  Not even real popcorn, but the microwave super salty shit that was on hand.
The really sad part is Janet loves salt, but said this was over the top.  Highly recommended for those whose body sodium levels are lacking!
Finally, something that resembles real food - an omelette!
Close by, is a really fabulous park with lots of trails.  Janet and Watty Man have been three times.  There is a creek, tons of mossy logs and lots of trails with bridges.

The aftermath of the park - huge mess!
Janet says there is a very large and annoying tree outside that is the gift that refuses to quit giving.  Two or three months of needles in the winter and two or three months of pine cones in the summer.  Believe it or not, Janet swept the step the day prior.
Guess what they have in PDX?  Doggy play dates at Lexi Dog.  Bronwyn told Janet that she took me in the summer with Watty Man, but because I'm old, I wasn't much of a participant.  Truth be known, I think she only took me because she discovered it was $2/household, not $2/dog.  Today, at first Janet was standing and watching the action but that proves to be a very dangerous job as you have a really good chance of being bowled down!
Apparently, the bigger Golden is the famous Scout who has tons of followers on Instragram.

Watty Man does his best to help around the house - "I've got this mail to open for you, so no worries!"

Guess where Janet and Phil are going???  It's true, albeit a small fortune!

Sleep tight!  This post marks 5 years of Janets' not so engaging and barely riveting view on our puppy dog worlds!
Watson loves his crocodile/alligator.

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