Friday, May 4, 2012

A Big Day at Our House

Holy, Moly!  We were busy today.  At 8AM, this is who was on our front step:
I looks like an alien...right?  Turns out it was just the painter coming to do "Wedding Sparkles" (long overdue in our opinion, wedding or not).
He re-painted the front step and did a lot of touch up work inside.
Noodles has control of the shabby job will get by her!

While the two of us are micro-managing the painter, Janet is out joy-riding on her bike.  Phil drove her across the Bay Street Bridge today so she could join the Lochside Trail.  Turns out, she took a wrong turn and ended up on the Galloping Goose matter.  She said it was fabulous and her first experience to go on either trail.

Janet passed many walkers and a couple of cyclists...well, that's her spin on the ride.  Turns out the two cyclists she passed were small children, riding bikes with training wheels!  Leave it to Janet to build her biking creds on the backs of toddlers...oh the shame!

This was some of the scenery she enjoyed while racing against small children.
This was the first trestle bridge.  The brochure for the trail did not mention some of the more frightening aspects of the ride.  Overpasses and tunnels - these are right up there with parkades in Janet's books.

This "small" pleasure craft was anchored in the Inner Harbour.
Despite using small children to boost her ego, Janet was really happy that she managed 25K on her bike today!


  1. today is the acid test. If I can ride 30Km then I will sign up for the bike ride.
