You will never believe what Janet did....she rode 20K on her bike yesterday! She was exhausted! She had to walk up two hills that were quite steep, but other than that had a good ride. She is still afraid of cars and phew, who knew there were so many bus in this city. On her route, she made a couple of stops (Finest At Sea, then Discovery Coffee to see if her nephew Brad was working) so it took longer than she anticipated. Janet arrived home at 12:10, just in time to go to Yoga for 1:30. This was the last class of the session, so Janet was delighted to find out it was Restorative Yoga. Janet says she is making friends at Yoga!
Here is the result of stopping at Finest At Sea. She came home with this treat; well, treat for them that is:
Yum, they said. First of the season, fresh Spring Salmon. Janet left it too late in the day to find an interesting recipe, so they just grilled it on the BBQ. |
Grilled salmon, steamed broccoli and brown rice. Janet loves brown rice, which is weird as she doesn't like brown bread. Phil loves brown bread and doesn't like brown rice.....I am the only one who thinks these two are insane? I also wonder what happened to the end piece on the left hand side of the salmon steak.....Phil!?!? In addition, that is not some delicious looking sauce at the bottom of the plate...just Janet's bad photo skills! |
Phil has a sore foot, sore knee, sore hip, arthritis in his neck....OK, OK. Enough already. You get the picture. One of his "therapies" is to roll a can of tomatoes on the floor with his foot on top to help it feel better.
At first, Rockers was curious about the can. It's not the sort of thing we normally see on our kitchen floor. Think cupboard, think counter, think recycle. Floor - until today never! |
Then Phil, who is obviously cranky with all his ailments, rolled the can toward Rockers. He started backing up, real fast! I keep telling Janet we need to up his meds if he wants to do the Ring Pup thing, but so far she has done nothing. She tried to convince Mr. Doctors Dream Come True Phil that we could rent the chairs for Rockers to practice, but Cheapskate shot it down in a hurry. I might have earned my Naughty Badge from the Guides, but I am still doing the best I can to help my brother - you would be shocked at how quickly he can get that breakfast on the floor when Janet gets up! |
20km! Nice job!