When Janet is at work on Tuesday and Wednesdays, they often bag up bread and buns that have been donated to put on a shelf for people so they may help themselves. On Thursdays, when Janet goes upstairs to make sandwiches for lunch, they use many, many loaves of bread. They throw out, or recycle the little white plastic closures that come on the bread.
Janet suggested to Mike, Nutrition Bar supervisor, that they have all sandwich making shifts keep the tags so that when they bag the bread downstairs, they can re-use the tags which would be much easier. On Tuesday, they did and Janet said it was way better than knotting the bags. This is the stuff legends are made of! We're kind of thinking "Order of Canada" or something similar! Go Janet, Go!
See the little white tags? |
These are Janet's volunteer friends from Tuesdays shift - Judy and her daughter Tracey. | | | | |
Remember when Janet showed you how lumpy my doggie bed was and Mr. Cheapskate Phil said it wasn't necessary to get me a new one? Good. Call. Phil. Here I am, nestled up on his pillows. Very comfy! |
Sometime ago, Meg told Janet older people (we assume this means people older than Janet) should do puzzles to keep their minds sharp. Then, when she and Lolo and Simone went out on Monday night, Lolo told Janet she always does the Word Jumble puzzle in the paper.
You are probably wondering why we have a photo of this puzzle. Turns out, Janet got stuck on the last word and sent the photo to Lolo for some much needed help. Either Janet is way beyond the puzzles sharpening her mind or by accident, she stumbled across the Mensa Puzzle. |
Here's another thing about Nut Job...she has Winter Food Rules and Summer Food Rules. It's now almost mid May, so bye bye to Chili, Stew, Curry, Lasagna and anything else that needs to simmer or bake for a long time
Hello Summer Food:
Salmon and Asparagus with pasta in a ginger butter sauce from Hugh Carpenter. They said it was yummy! |
Did you get the last one? I can email you the answer!