Friday, Janet and Phil had lunch with Bea, dropped her off and headed out to Costco. Friday afternoon, first long weekend of the summer. These two dummies were shocked that the traffic was bumper to bumper and moving at a snails pace! Home they went. Yesterday, they made a successful attempt, leaving home around 10AM. Just as they are to pull away, Janet wants to know where the shopping list is. Neither of them have it and neither of them know where it is. Back into the house they come and search and search. Lo and behold - in the recycle. Wonder which anal tidier upper did that! First they went to Costco to get some plants and then to Home Depot to get some more plants. They filled up the entire back of the Volvo, with the seats put down.
Home Depot has a little "corral" to try out sit down mowers. Kind of like go-carts, but free! |
Janet got busy starting on the pots, but as the sunny weather has been replaced by drizzle and grey clouds her heart isn't in it. Soldier on, sister!
A couple of the planted pots. |
This is a teeny tiny sample of what they bought. The bad news? They only have about half of what they need. |
Noodles has been on a major naughty streak. A few days ago, Phil comes home and can't find her anywhere. Turns out she is at the back of the garage, keeping the painter company while he re-painted the garage doors. Bad, bad Noodles!
Here she is, trying to make it look like she is working on the blog - she's in big trouble as we are not allowed to get up by the table. Funny - she doesn't look all that worried. |
We are getting ready to go for a walk in the rain. See how Phil puts my collar on wrong and it traps my ear? I don't like that, so Janet always fixes it for me.
Noodles is chillin' before our walk. You can see her ducky by her nose. Janet told her to retrieve the ducky from her toy box, and she did. The first time they did this little shtick, Noodles also chose the ducky, so Janet was convinced Noodles was the next dog to be on the front of Time magazine because she knew so many commands. Janet envisioned TV appearances, movie contracts and the like. Move over, Uggie! She could hardly wait to show Phil, but all Noodles did was go to the toy box and take out her Nyla-Bone, many times over. Bye Bye, Janet's retirement plan! |
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