Friday, December 20, 2013

Long Walks

When Janet stays with me in Portland, every second day we drive the car to Blue Lake and go for an hour long walk.  Here, Noodles and Rockers go for a short walk and I go for a long walk.  If Janet is by herself, she has to do this in two stages.  She fears a disaster will occur if she takes all three of us at the same time.  A disaster, in Janetland, is a cat or a squirrel.  In fairness to Crazy Lady, Noodles says several years ago, Janet was holding onto three dogs that bolted for something, threw her to the ground and broke her arm!  Plus, she was younger and stronger then!

Unfortunately for Janet, I am a reluctant participant in the "you wait here, Pashy, and I will be right back to get you" program.  I always try to make a bolt for it and Janet says I'm like greased lightning!  I bark and cry until they get two or three houses down.

She and I walked along Beach Drive and we admired the skill of this semi truck driver at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel.
Not only did he have to back this big truck down a narrow entrance to a parkade, it's curved! 
This doggie lives on Beach Drive, close to Camp Canada.  Janet thinks he is super cute and check out his Paws Kringle collar!
Against all odds, Noodles tried to initiate some playing!

I've got her in a choke hold!

Now I have her in a Half Nelson!  Rockers was quick to recognize my superior wrestling skills and quit.
Janet made two little Christmas projects on her sewing machine.  The first was an "old school" Christmas stocking for Briana and Ted and the second was the same thing for Meg, Derek and Mr. Baby.  We didn't post the one for Briana and Ted as Janet and Phil sent a Christmas parcel and wanted it to be a surprise for them.  Personally, I don't think they are up to much, but Rockers says they are the same style as the stockings our children have had since they were little, and are oddly enough, much loved.
This took her the better part of the morning.  Even though the bottom "M" is a bit crooked, she was pretty stoked!  Now she wants to try something else.  Sure hope the next project is a success or the bad words will be flying like crazy!
Janet says Mr. Baby is coming today.  I have never met him, but Rockers says Noodles really loves him.  This should be fun!

We are also having the Block Christmas Party, so Janet is busy.  She made Pecan Pie Brownines.
I didn't know about this Camp Canada tradition until recently.  When the cookie container is being filled up, the Guys rush to the door and wait for it's arrival.  We can select a cookie (or two if you are Noodles!) right from the container.  Camp Canada is a lot of fun.

In case you can't guess, that's naughty, naughty Noodles pushing the envelope in the middle.

1 comment:

  1. Great stocking! Glad to see the old sewing machine is still functioning. And the pecan pie brownies sound excellent!
