Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's Still Snowing in Victoria!

This is our garage.  Janet loves all the birds that come into our yard, so she tries really hard to make sure the feeder is full.  Today, about two minutes after Janet filled it up, there were a couple of birds there.
This is us helping Janet shovel the driveway.

Janet is involved in a small scale bake sale at DFH, Phil's work.  Here  I am, helping out to the best of my abilities.
We can't believe it..we are on our fourth day of snow on the ground.  Janet went downtown this morning to go to her yoga class at 10:30 and after that walked to Bond Bonds Bakery to buy a "Veggie on Asiago Cheese Bun" to take to what Bronwyn lovingly  jokingly calls her "work".....Janet does work, she simply does not get paid...and she does this three days a week!


  1. we had snow all last night, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to prevent work!

  2. Janet looks very jaunty in her snow shovelling attire. I'd like to see her try that in Calgary! I'm not sure what would freeze first - ears or fingers, but I'm gonna guess fingers.
