Sunday, January 8, 2012

This Has To Be A Really Good Sign

Brownyn showed us this photo yesterday, and while are are colour blind, we do recognize that it's a suitcase and Janet's Kindle saying bye-bye to the Big Island!  They might be sad, but we are really happy and will greet them with unlimited crying and carrying on when they get here.  Excellent!
 So, they did indeed come back to PDX and we were so happy to see them.  Shockingly, the guy that was really excited was Pashy, who slept on Janet and Phil's bed on top of Janet's legs  and woke Janet up at 4AM to get some pets by pushing her nose under Janet's hand.  Oddly, she played dead and did not respond,  cranky pants!

Well, so much for missing us.  The next morning there was (as always) the big discussion as to what the days' agenda was.  They all blame Janet as (they say) she his reluctant to commit.  Not true, Janet says, and on and on it goes.  At any rate,they finally got their poop together and went to Uwijamaya to buy some Japanese groceries to make gyoza and sukiyaki.  After that, off to lunch downtown at a really delicious Italian restaurant.
This is what Brownyn and Janet each had.  Gino's Favourite.
 After that, they went to Costco and finally came home to walk us.  This is Brownyn being cruel to Rockers and holding him back.  He was allowed to go!  Meanie!  Do they not recognize Christmas is long done?

Here they are in the gyoza factory.  The top photo are the ones that Janet made.  Mike and Bronwyn and Phil said that Janet's were anal perfect!
 The photo of the gyoza below are the free flow ones that Bronwyn made.  Everyone who knows Bronwyn knows how much a free flow type of gal she is....just saying!

Cooked version.  They said it was delicious.

In the mean time, here is Rockers' starving and waiting with the rest of the Guys for our dinner while everyone else is devouring gyoza.  Not fair!

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