Monday, July 14, 2014

They Came, Some Went

Mikey and Bronwyn and Meg and Mr. Baby came for the house birthday party.  Mike and Bronwyn had to leave on Tuesday to go back to work and Derek arrived later.

M & B packed up with Don and went to Nitinat so Bronwyn and Don could kiteboard.  They had a blast, and check out Princess:
Well....Princess says it's her.  It looks kind of like an expert to us, so how do we really know it's her and not a video of some professional?
Bronwyn is a great Auntie!  They spent some time together and Auntie B really enjoyed Finley.  Here she is teaching him how to shop online.
Then all the fam damily that were here went for pizza...natch!
The usual suspects...Diavolo, Panne e Pancetta, Picante.
Here is Mr. Baby's tropical swim area:
Bring on the palm trees, Mr. Baby says!
 I seriously covet Mr. Baby's pool toys!  If I push them with my nose, they scoot across the pool and I really want to hop in and grab them.
Too bad for me there are some adult type legs to prevent my participation!

And here are Mr. Baby's stash of deck toys:
 When Finley isn't swimming or enjoying his toys on the deck, he likes to "finger paint" on Janet's dishwasher.  Yoyo thinks it's so creative!  She also thanks the powers that be that stainless steel appliances were not around when her precious moments were toddling around.  Not that they could have afforded them, back in the day!
Check it out, Yoyo!  Super cute, right

If you can believe this, Mr. Baby's Handler is prepared to let him wear all cotton clothing without ironing them first.  This is unacceptable to really insanse Yoyo, who sparkled them up herself.
This should give you an idea as to how large Gargantuan Gramma's hands are.  Half the size of a Mr. Baby size shirt!

The people had a new kind of chicken wings that Janet found on a blog she likes.  She thought they were yummy.  Toss in some Caprese Salad with home made pesto and some fresh BC corn and nice dinner!

Janet thinks this is so cool!  There are several brightly painted pianos stationed around Oak Bay this summer.  We discovered this one on Willows Beach this morning.  This man was an excellent pianist.
I'm pooped.  Have a good night!

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